Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The monthly more than 5hrs of hell

Bloggers talk of inspiration...a lot, and i always wonder, i'm i really a blogger since i got no inspiration at all when posting nothings on here??? then it hits me, i'm not a blogger, just some random woman who found a place to say whatever, whenever! But today, this post is a recount of a painful journey no, a 5 hrs journey of pain...aaaaah! that's the best way to put it.


I see, reversed psychology sure works...

let. the. journey. begin.

2000hrs: A little pain here and there. I check the handbag/drawers to see if there are enough pain killers. the pain is not so much, so i decide to do the dishes and clean the kitchen

2045hrs: its sharper now. I take two tablets of meftal followed by an asprin knowing very well i'll repeat that a million times

2130hrs: this is the -tummy-confused- episode. it's not sure whether it's going through a stomach ache or just cramps. trip number one to the loo. i carry my phone to tweet and chat from there..

2145hrs:I leave the loo.I get a plastic bottle and heat water. It's gonna be a long night. Pop out 2 tablets and asprin again to ease the pain a little. it usually curbs 0.8% of the pain. yeah, it's stupid and a waste of medicine

2200hrs: Getting nauseous, i hate throwing up, but i run to the loo.. get pukey, at the same time holding a plastic bottle with hot water on my tummy.

2215hrs: i lie on the couch. watch something preferably a comedy. the pain is too much now. i pop the pain killing dosage again, not giving up. Empty the now warm water and pour in hot water..the kind that burns

2250hrs:I run to the loo, for some strange reason squatting has a relaxing feeling, so i don't leave the bathrom in a hurry. at that time i prolly wish i had a newspaper/book

2320hrs: I figure i'm doing nothing really. a thought crosses my mind, if i was pregnant i wouldn't be going through this. why i'm i not pregnant???

2330hrs: It's too much. i go outside,i look at the night sky, i'm not even sure of what i'm looking this is eastlands, i just can't take a walk...i go back inside

2345hrs: Nausea, again. I run to the bathroom. Hating myself now. wondering why it's happening to me.

2350hrs: I lie down on the flow, i try to do sit  ups...but i can't go past three. anyone listening carefully can hear me sob.

0010hrs: Another trip to the loo. it's so painful i understand why my brain/stomach keeps confusing it for a stomach ache/infection

0025hrs: back to the couch, another hot water refill. Last pain killing dosage.

0035hrs: i give up, switch of the telly and all the lights

0100hrs: aaaargh! I light everything back on and decide to do something else, like fold/iron clothes.

0110hrs: I check my watch "it's only been 10mins".. i slump on the bed, hoping to die just till the next day

0130hrs: now walking with a slouch. thinking -will this ever end-??? i lie down again on the couch. Now, i can't heat/boil any more water..i press the now warm bottle tightly on my stomach.....

0145hrs: i have to go puke....but i choose not to. few minutes later, i have to go to the loo, but i choose not to....

0800hrs: I wake up. i slept through it! *grooooooowl* that's the stomach rumbling. may the bloating begin! but that's nothng compared to the cramps

if you mess with me i'll feed you used tampons!

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