Thursday, June 2, 2011

this twitty twitter...blergh

Twitter is becoming obnoxious.
 Yeah, I said it.

In case you didn't notice, idiocy is spreading like wild fire. It all started with #teamroast where tweeps would tell off someone for doing something 'unacceptable'. Then came #teamWeHaveMorals bashing #teamroast. Out of all that, some people felt 'targeted' and before we knew it, tweefing was born. Tweeps choosing to tell each other off on the timeline. Been there, don't remind me.Out of all that, people get more followers because, you know, mutual followers see the conversation and RT everything.

Now, we have #LeakedDMs all over our TLs. Tweeps saw how people RTed leaked DMs, now they are doing it intentionally. Why the sudden need for followers and attention??? Why not leak a DM where you're borrowing money, or dumping someone, or getting dumped....or, thanking someone for a lay well done...or, or, OR leak a DM where they are telling off someone for DMing them, i do that.

Why are we stooping so low as to hack Acs and leak DMs? Why the sudden hate on someone once they get 'roasted' or 'beefed'?

I thing we are doing twitter wrong. There's something we are doing wrong. We are trusting each other a bit too much. We are taking twitter seriously. We are becoming a bunch of ATTENTION WHORES!

I will not sink with the few KOT who are making twitter shitty. I'll tweet what i think is funny. If I have nothing to say, I'll tweet fart/fat/phat/nakidme jokes.

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