Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fashion...what's hot, what's not...and who cares!


"erm.............. clothes???"



Is it me or is everyone trying too hard fashion-wise??? what happened to simplicity?? what happened to the days when you just had to look good.. not really fashionable. What's with the million bangles??? what's with the hundred rings??? And why are women walking around in 6' high towers (heels) and will you all stop with the funny looking colored eye shadows!

and, leggings are not pants! cover your ass! Not with a skirt, stupid! or a dress...leggings/jeggings go well with dress-tops (say what?). If your skirt is short and you have to cover your legs, put on stockings, not leggings.

Have you ever seen a woman who's matched the handbag with the earrings and the belt and the shoes! then the top with the bangles and the pants/skirt matching the top and thought, "this is one sad woman?" that's just me?? Oh well

I know my bra strap is showing, and yes, I don't care. Go chew one! ~Emy

I'll put on a weave if i ever feel like it, if you have a problem with that, go hump a horse! ~Emy

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