If your omelette does not turn into scrambled eggs, then i need to marry you.
Also, pancakes, if yours do not stick on the pan, then we should swap pans because I choose not to believe I can't cook pancakes. My pan is evil and it hates me...
Do you burn boiled eggs.....??
And every time you boil your milk, do you end up with half of what you had before boiling it? OMG! me too!
Why in the world don't we have 'good food' recipes with less than five ingredients..???
What is the first thing you think of when you run out of dishes/pans/ blah blah blah and the sink is loaded?? personally, I shout at the dishes "I'm not going to wash you! you are not the boss of me! you do not tell me what to do!"...then I curl up in a fetal position and take biscuits and juice
Basically I can't cook to save a roach and...and I need a smoke detector in my house.......also, my husband should be loaded enough to get us a chef. That is all.