Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shit my mum says...

she has nothing to anyone.

We all love our mommies, right?
They can piss the living shit out of you. But seriously, isn't that what tough love is??? No? Then my mom has been doing it wrong!
Anyway, the whole, shit my mom says was suggested by   Flowkadenge . He thinks my mom is funny..ok, I think my mom is funny so I made him think she was.. She has this habit of making fun of people in a funny way, you end up crying when laughing...or vice versa. She does it in Kamba! I'll be posting whenever


Mom: Jesus! Don't you ever add any weight?
Me: mom, we are not having this conversation....again.
Mom: (to anyone standing/seated nearby) Does she even look like my daughter?? Look at me..and look at her. huyu hakulangi! Yuko na kilo 40 kama kuku
Me: Mooom! seriously.
Mom: look at her younger sister... only 17 years old. She looks 'bigger' than her..not forgetting the height. Wanza (me)  alikula manylon akiwa mdogo haki
17 y o Sis: I'm not that fat????!
Mom: you're not?? Look at you! Kitimba kyaku kina kyuu (your butt has a shadow!)
Sis: Ngai mom :(
Mom: Ngiti syi kwatiia syeetelee kivaluke (dogs follow you expecting the butt to fall off!)

We burst out laughing.

Sis gives her the -if-you-weren't-my-mom-i'd-kill-you-right-now look

but hey!


  1. I stumbled upon this post. Made me laugh my heart out. Kamba and all! :) Made me laugh my heart out. Kamba and all! :)

  2. LMAO!!!!!!

    HAHA ati her ass got a shadow :)
