In relationships, couples spend most of their time conversing. Good looks are just the initial trigger. Women look for brain power as they prefer mature men. For men, women's beauty is something they like to flaunt, initially. They love that women look at them in wonderment and admiration. (nerds) One advantage of dating a nerd, who doesn't score a high average in looks, is that there's little female competition.
Female rivalry is something that put women off.
Largely ignored in high school and overshadowed by their cooler classmates, nerds have something special to offer in the dating world. Namely, they are interesting, quirky and will treat you like gold. Ladies, is the reason you aren’t getting very far in the dating world because you haven’t let go of the girl you were in high school? We know it’s a stereotype, but sometimes women pine after the rebellious cool guy, the one that mothers hate and girlfriends envy. While we’re driving ourselves crazy to impress Mr. Cool, the undiscovered nerd is standing in the shadows waiting to be noticed. this soft-spoken loner is smart, sincere and will genuinely be nice to you. If you haven’t given a second look to the guy that looks like your former Chemistry tutor, perhaps you should delve deeper into this untapped resource.
Although sometimes awkward, geeks are usually well-meaning and sincere. He wants to get to know you and feel comfortable with a real lady. Surely, it is quite a difference from the lonely nights with Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, but a welcome change nonetheless.
Often overlooked, these guys can appreciate a woman when they get one. Likely to be a priority in his life, they show you off to their friends, call when they say they will and will most likely impress Mom and Dad. Okay, so maybe you will be number 2 or 3 after the computer games and geek trivia, but you won’t be on a long list of ladies vying for some time with him.
A far cry from the smarmy creep at the bar, nerds are more likely to debate your favorite Superman villain than only go after that “one thing.” With little less relationship experience, his naïve fumbling with romantic advances come off as endearing and honest.
Nerds tend to be more tech-savvy than the average layman, so whenever a frustrating situation happens with cache memory, deleting cookies or synchronizing the network
he can get those gadgets to behave.
With quirky interests and a matching sense of humor; nerds can share some interesting trivia or strange hobbies and while laughing at themselves, too. It’s a welcome deviation from the “I’m too cool to laugh at myself” act.
Nerdy guys often have awkward geek friends. So instead of bad influences or disrespectful attitudes, your nerd man is hanging out with these guys playing SOLITARE. A welcome reprieve from the raunchy “Guys Night Out,” when who knows what could happen, these guys are spending time with the fellas discussing politics or network gaming. Plus, the buddies treat you nice when you come around, while your new man will be the hit in the group with such a hot gal on his arm.
You don’t have to put on a show for these guys by wearing 4 inch heels and making yourself up to look like a goddess. We bet they wouldn’t mind your hair in a ponytail, the makeup-free glow, or your favorite jersey. You can be yourself around him and he won’t be the jerk that works so hard to make you feel ugly.
While everyone has an ego, a geeky guy probably won't have the kind of obnoxious get in a fight, stare at the waitress's ass bravado you find with all those douche bags on The Hills, for example. They haven't placed their self-worth on gaining social accolades and working the fickle popularity later, so therefore they don't expect it and won't act out in public if they don't get it. He's used to peacefully existing in the background, and might actually even prefer it—especially with you sitting next to him.
Like finding a diamond in the rough, your nerdy guy can be your own little treasure that no one has discovered yet. You will have to discover them, by the way. Nerdy ones are not the type to seek you out or make the first move, so you will have to be the brave one. But upon further examination, choosing a nerd may improve your chances of making a real connection.
Due to their neglected past, there are a bevy of nerdy gentlemen out there that never garnered a second look that are ready and willing to have a real relationship with someone that will give him a chance. So what if they are interested in geeky things? They make great companions because they stimulate the most vital organ: the brain.